News RCT/EMPATHY, July 21, 2017
July 21, 2017
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წამების, ძალადობისა და გამოხატული სტრესული ზემოქმედების მსხვერპლთა ფსიქო – რეაბილიტაციის ცენტრი “ემპათია” -ს განცხადება
November 23, 2017

Press-release September 19-21, 2017


On September 19 – 21, 2017 was held the workshop – Capacity Building of NGO’s, at office of Centre “Empathy”, for Doctors, social workers, Psychologists and Human Rights Activists from other NGO’s, working in torture rehabilitation programs. Participants were from Tbilisi, Chechnya, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan. During the workshop were covered following issues: legal and medical aspects according to the Istanbul Protocol; impact of torture and holistic rehabilitation; the vicarious trauma prevention and documentation of torture in compliance with international standards.

In the workshop participated: 6 participants from Tajikistan, 4 participants from Chechnya, Grozny, 9 participants from RCT/EMPATHY, 5 Trainers/Facilitators and 5 persons from other NGO’s from Tbilisi, totally 29 participants.  The workshop was organized by the center “Empathy”. During the workshop the presentation was made by the President of the Center “Empathy” Dr. Mariam Jishkariani. The presentation included the following topics: national and international standards on torture, management of PTSD, issues related to communication with persons subjected to torture, key principles of the Istanbul Protocol, psychological aspects of torture and experience of European countries.