Our Main Principles and Values

  1. Strict adherence to international medical ethics standards:

  • Patient’s free will in accepting medical treatment, diagnosis, other type of service;
  • Absolute confidentiality;
  • Anonymity –by the patient’s will;
  • Absolute impartiality and adherence to professional ethics;
  • Fighting against torture events and violation of human rights – active protest against such occurrences;

  1. UN Convention against torture and it’s optional protocol regarding Monitoring of the detention facilities and other close institutions and establishing of the national torture preventing mechanisms;
  2. European Convention against Torture
  1. Universal Declaration of Human Rights (article 5)
  2. Principles of International Humanitarian law;
  3. UN Minimal Standards of Imprisonment
  4. Recommendations of the Council of Europe and World Health Organization
  5. CPT recommendations
  6. UN principles of Medical Ethics: Role of health Personal Particularly physicians, in the Protection of Prisoners and Detainees against Torture, and other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment.
  7. Hamburg Declaration of Medical Ethics regarding protection of health care professionals operating in “high risk zones”.
  8. Principles of Istanbul Protocol regarding legal, medical and psychological documentation of torture;
  9. Other relevant international documents.