National Projects
The Program of Multi – disciplinary Rehabilitation for Offenders in Georgia ENPI/2013/319-803
Period Covered: 2014 – 2016
Executive summary of the Action
Overall objective of the action is to promote restorative justice and contribute to rehabilitation and re-socialization of inmates, former inmates, probationers and children in conflict with the law.
Based on listed below specific results and outputs it is clear that capacity of main target groups prisoners and former prisoners will increased in all levels: at the micro level their abilities of re – socialization increased through individually oriented client centered rehabilitation program; at the mezzo level: the model program of the multi type rehabilitation developed that through implementation in the State Strategy of Rehabilitation and Re – Socialization of Offenders in Georgia will be operational and tangible; at the macro level the policy and strategy of re – socialization of offenders developed and will be published and presented during the second year of the project and will be ready for implementation;
Finally, the technical and managerial capacity of the beneficiaries: EMPATHY and associated partner the MoJ Crime Prevention Centre, as well as other CSO and state agencies involved in the implementation of the action w increased through implementation of study program and training program on specific issues of multi – type rehabilitation, torture prevention and documentation.
Specific objective(s) are:1) Capacity building of multi-disciplinary rehabilitation services for former prisoners and prisoners with close collaboration with Ministry of Justice Crime Prevention Centre; 2) To elaborate research – based strategy of crime prevention in Georgia.
Indicators for Objective 1: Indicator 1: Empathy services with MDT approach and with involvement of MoJ LEPL and other associates and sub-contractors. Outputs of the created system of multi – disciplinary services
Based on listed below specific results and outputs it is clear that capacity of main target groups prisoners and former prisoners will increased in all levels: at the micro level their abilities of re – socialization increased through individually oriented client centered rehabilitation program; at the mezzo level: the model program of the multi type rehabilitation developed that through implementation in the State Strategy of Rehabilitation and Re – Socialization of Offenders in Georgia will be operational and tangible; at the macro level the policy and strategy of re – socialization of offenders developed and will be published and presented during the second year of the project and will be ready for implementation;
Finally, the technical and managerial capacity of the beneficiaries: EMPATHY and associated partner the MoJ Crime Prevention Centre, as well as other CSO and state agencies involved in the implementation of the action w increased through implementation of study program and training program on specific issues of multi – type rehabilitation, torture prevention and documentation.
Specific objective(s) are:1) Capacity building of multi-disciplinary rehabilitation services for former prisoners and prisoners with close collaboration with Ministry of Justice Crime Prevention Centre; 2) To elaborate research – based strategy of crime prevention in Georgia.
Indicators for Objective 1: Indicator 1: Empathy services with MDT approach and with involvement of MoJ LEPL and other associates and sub-contractors. Outputs of the created system of multi – disciplinary services

Sub-Contractors: About 24 Health Centres: Diagnostic and Inpatient treatment (Hospitals), as well as Forensic medical Expertise Centre and Pharmacology Firms. Total Number Staff of the Project 12 Persons; Involved more than 100 doctors and legal experts.
Medical Psychiatric
Psychotherapy (Individual, Group and Family)
Art Therapy and art work
Educational therapy
Physiotherapy, Laser therapy and Acupuncture
Community visits
Financial assistance (support for travel for outpatient type treatment)
Social assistance
Family – based treatment
Legal Assistance and Client advocacy
Centre is providing independent forensic expertise, medical and psychiatric/psychological, in accordance with Istanbul Protocol.
“Hot Line” – for immediate response and crisis intervention.
Training – educational and research programme
Indicator two: Conducted training sessions and trained professionals:
During the live period of the action the professional capacity of the target beneficiaries from MoJ Crime Prevention Centre as well as from other NGOs working on re – socialization of offenders increased through the small scale in house training sessions provided at the RCT/EMPATHY and training programme hold at the MoJ training Centre. Total number of beneficiaries for training programme were 43 persons, among them 34 women and 9 men; among them for MoJ Crime Prevention Centre were 25 persons – social workers and psychologists and 5 persons were from NGOs operating on re – socialization of the offenders in Batumi and Gori region, other were students of medical university and other volunteers. In year 2016 additional 25 persons working with offenders, health and legal professionals were trained on the Istanbul Protocol, as well as on issues of holistic approaches toward to the stress – related disorders. Experts for training /educational program were invited from Ministry of Corrections Training Centre; from the TSMU Forensic Medical Department, from the RCT/ENPATHY and WPA Scientific Section “Torture Psychological Outcomes and Consequences”, as well as from CVT (USA).
Indicators for Objective 2: The overall study program of outcomes of first year results were provided using the SPSS statistical data collecting and analysis method. The qualitative and quantitative analysis provided at the RCT/EMPATHY will be background for elaboration of draft of State Strategy of Re – socialization of offenders that published in the end of the project. In elaboration of this strategy MoJ Crime Prevention Centre social workers were involved by the focus group discussions around the individual cases, as well as on needs assessment. For research project the special questionnaire for offenders, namely former prisoners were elaborated by the Empathy and then included in the SPSS statistical program for data collection and analysis. The research program was done on n = 189 cases.
The Program of Multi – disciplinary Rehabilitation for Offenders in Georgia, Final Narrative Report 2014 - 2016 – (English PDF)