Non-Governmental Organization RCT ‘’EMPATHY” Special Statement
February 24, 2022
სამედიცინო დახმარება უკრაინისთვის
April 7, 2022

Press Release of RCT/Empathy 11/03/2022 on ICC Prosecutor’s Statement, dated March 10, 2022 on War 2008 in Georgia

Photo War 2008

On March 10, 2022 the ICC the ICC Prosecutor, Karim A.A. Khan, on the situation in Georgia, applied to the Chamber I of the ICC.  “Pursuant to article 58(1) of the Statute, the Office of the Prosecutor requests Pre-Trial Chamber I to issue arrest warrants against Mikhail MINDZAEV (“MINDZAEV”), Gamlet GUCHMAZOV (“GUCHMAZOV“),and David SANAKOEV (“SANAKOEV”) (“Suspects”)”.

According to the Prosecutor’s application “namely the following war crimes committed in and around the territory of South Ossetia, Georgia between 8 and 27 August 2008:

  1. Unlawful confinement – article 8(2)(a)(vii)-2;
  2. Torture – article 8(2)(a)(ii)-1;
  3. Inhuman treatment – article 8(2)(a)(ii)-2;
  4. Outrages upon personal dignity – article 8(2)(b)(xxi);
  5. Hostage taking – article 8(2)(a)(viii); and
  6. Unlawful transfer – article 8(2)(a)(vii) “

“My Office has made findings of similar patterns of conduct during its preliminary examination of the Situation in Ukraine. I remain profoundly concerned about ongoing allegations of international crimes occurring amidst active hostilities in Ukraine today” – Declared by ICC Prosecutor, Karim A.A. Khan

The Pre-Trial Chamber authorized the opening of an investigation in the Situation in Georgia on 27 January 2016.

On August 7, 2008 Russia invaded Georgia. As a result of this aggression more than 150000 civilians became victims of ethnic cleansing. Civilians were bombed by Russian air-jets, widely took place marauding, robbery, mass violence, burning of living houses, destroying of villages; Captivity, Torture and Ill treatment; Cornfields and forests were burnt; Wide range of infrastructure was destroyed in Georgia, among them medical facilities; Many civilians were wounded and killed, among them journalists and medical personnel. It should be specially indicated, that mentioned above actions were continuing after August 12 cease-fire agreement; up today takes place captivity, torture, death, slavery of civilians, living in conflict areas and so called “ABL” zones. We principally disagree with this definition – Administrative Bordering Lines, because this terminology does not express the essence of occupation. All this acts require detailed documenting and prompt and adequate response. Finally, up today 20 % territories of Georgia still are under Russian occupation. More info you can find here

The Rehabilitation Centre Empathy since 2008, August 7 was implemented documentation of cases of war crimes, more than 150 cases were submitted to the ICC. Thousands of civilians – victims of war crimes are our clients, which up today are in need of rehabilitation and up today are waiting justice.