On March 10, 2022 the ICC the ICC Prosecutor, Karim A.A. Khan, on the situation in Georgia, applied to the Chamber I of the ICC. “Pursuant to article 58(1) of the Statute, the Office of the Prosecutor requests Pre-Trial Chamber I to issue arrest warrants against Mikhail MINDZAEV (“MINDZAEV”), Gamlet GUCHMAZOV (“GUCHMAZOV“),and David SANAKOEV (“SANAKOEV”) (“Suspects”)”. https://www.icc-cpi.int/CourtRecords/CR2022_01944.PDF
According to the Prosecutor’s application “namely the following war crimes committed in and around the territory of South Ossetia, Georgia between 8 and 27 August 2008:
“My Office has made findings of similar patterns of conduct during its preliminary examination of the Situation in Ukraine. I remain profoundly concerned about ongoing allegations of international crimes occurring amidst active hostilities in Ukraine today” – Declared by ICC Prosecutor, Karim A.A. Khan https://www.icc-cpi.int/Pages/item.aspx?name=20220310-prosecutor-statement-georgia
The Pre-Trial Chamber authorized the opening of an investigation in the Situation in Georgia on 27 January 2016.
On August 7, 2008 Russia invaded Georgia. As a result of this aggression more than 150000 civilians became victims of ethnic cleansing. Civilians were bombed by Russian air-jets, widely took place marauding, robbery, mass violence, burning of living houses, destroying of villages; Captivity, Torture and Ill treatment; Cornfields and forests were burnt; Wide range of infrastructure was destroyed in Georgia, among them medical facilities; Many civilians were wounded and killed, among them journalists and medical personnel. It should be specially indicated, that mentioned above actions were continuing after August 12 cease-fire agreement; up today takes place captivity, torture, death, slavery of civilians, living in conflict areas and so called “ABL” zones. We principally disagree with this definition – Administrative Bordering Lines, because this terminology does not express the essence of occupation. All this acts require detailed documenting and prompt and adequate response. Finally, up today 20 % territories of Georgia still are under Russian occupation. More info you can find here http://empathy.ge/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/special-updated-publication-on-Consequences-of-Russian-Brutal-Military-Attacks-in-Georgia.pdf
The Rehabilitation Centre Empathy since 2008, August 7 was implemented documentation of cases of war crimes, more than 150 cases were submitted to the ICC. Thousands of civilians – victims of war crimes are our clients, which up today are in need of rehabilitation and up today are waiting justice.