Press Release
July 27, 2016
Istanbul Protocol International Standards
Health in Prison and the Istanbul Protocol International Standards
January 10, 2017

The Program of Multi – disciplinary Rehabilitation for Offenders in Georgia, Final Narrative Report


SUMMARY: The aim of this project is to develop model system of multi-disciplinary rehabilitation for offenders; based on research outcomes to create draft strategy of medical and psycho –social rehabilitation of offenders in Georgia.

During the year 2014 – 2016 total number of assisted offenders applied to the RCT/EMPATHY were: n = 265 persons. Among them in 120 cases the long term assistance were provided, in 49 cases crisis intervention provided and 10 cases were just consulted and referred to the specialized medical services, 66 were included in the waiting list, in 20 cases offenders were involved in the occupational therapy – art work in Art Studio.

Multi – disciplinary assistance – long term rehabilitation programme includes: medical and psycho – social services and legal assistance, also the art therapy and occupational training on clay modeling includes in the services. Medical intervention includes free of charge comprehensive diagnostic program, with free of charge pharmacology assistance and referrals program for diagnostic and treatment, in separate cases (n = 7) surgery operations also were conducted.

According to the rehabilitation program the capacity of the target beneficiaries increased that improved ability of re – socialization. In take assessment and follow up using the Quality of Life Questionnaire reveals positive changes in adaptation, involvement in social activities, and buy sildenafil for treat erectile dysfunction and improvement of interpersonal relations in community and in family, reduced unemployment, improvement of communication skills and reduced repeated criminal records.

The project aims also strengthening of capacity of State agencies MoJ Crime Prevention Centre and also NGOs in medical and human rights standards of rehabilitation of vulnerable peoples, with special attention on the documentation of torture and prevention of secondary traumatization. During the implementing period 68 persons trained and received certificates on medical and legal aspects of torture documentation and prevention, as well as principles of multi – disciplinary individually oriented rehabilitation.

The statistical analysis and data collection were provided using the SPSS program. In 169 cases the data collection and analysis provided using the specially elaborated multi profile questionnaire for offenders, as well as psychological tests’ outcomes were analyzed during in – take and follow up assessment.

Final-Report_Eng – RCT/Empathy-Issued-in-2016